Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
le 17 juin 2021
Le projet a été développé par un partenariat collaboratif comprenant le développeur d'éoliennes flottantes EOLFI (membre du groupe Shell), le cabinet de conseil en ingénierie des énergies renouvelables Innosea, le cabinet de conseil en ingénierie électrique et en simulation numérique Capsim, le fournisseur de logiciels AbyssCAD et l'école d'ingénieurs Centrale Nantes.
"Il s'agit d'un logiciel unique de conception d'ancrage et de connexion électrique tout-en-un qui offre la possibilité de concevoir un parc éolien flottant depuis la conception architecturale optimale des ancrages jusqu'à la livraison en mer, en passant par la structure électrique interne. Il sera extrêmement utile aux développeurs de parcs éoliens flottants", déclare Hakim Mouslim, directeur général d'Innosea, une société d'ingénierie indépendante spécialisée dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables et faisant partie d'AqualisBraemar LOC ASA, cotée à Oslo. Le logiciel STATIONIS aide à concevoir et à dimensionner l'architecture sous-marine d'un parc éolien flottant. Il aide également à la prise de décision concernant l'équipement électrique et l'ancrage pour une configuration architecturale spécifique afin d'optimiser la performance des connexions sous-marines, en fournissant des calculs rapides des indicateurs économiques et techniques. "STATIONIS est un logiciel unique en son genre, qui permet d'envisager très tôt la conception des ancrages et du raccordement pour les parcs éoliens offshore flottants", déclare Thomas Soulard, de Centrale Nantes.
"Ce logiciel améliore la qualité de la conception des parcs éoliens flottants d'un point de vue technique, des coûts et des risques, c'est un outil d'aide à la décision très facile d'utilisation qui permet de trouver la configuration sous-marine optimale. Il représente un gain de temps substantiel dans la phase de développement préliminaire (front-end engineering development phase)", déclare Matthieu Pettinotti, EOLFI.
Visit the STATIONIS website for more detail: https://www.stationis.com
AqualisBraemar LOC ASA
Endre Aaberg Johansen
Tel: +47 41 61 06 05
Email: endre.johansen08c7a552-b8b0-4362-ba2b-96e1c5e244e5@corpcom.no
AqualisBraemar LOC ASA (OSE: Aqua) offers independent energy and marine consultancy to the global renewables, maritime and oil and gas sectors. The group has offices in 38 countries worldwide. AqualisBraemar LOC ASA operates under seven brands: AqualisBraemar LOC, OWC, Innosea, Longitude, JLA, East Point Geo and ABL Yachts.
Founded in 1919, Centrale Nantes is a French engineering school and member of the Ecoles Centrale Group. The school boasts excellent rankings: top ten for academic excellence (Le Figaro), 4th engineering school in France in 2021 (L'Etudiant), and top 200 worldwide for engineering (Times Higher Education). Its undergraduate, Master and PhD programmes are based on the latest scientific and technological developments and the best management practices. With strong international outreach, 43% of its student body are international students, representing more than 87 nationalities. Partnership agreements are in place with 178 universities in 48 countries and two-thirds of students follow a double degree programme abroad. At Centrale Nantes, research and training are organised into three key areas for growth and innovation: manufacturing, energy transition and healthcare. With research platforms ranging from digital simulation to prototyping with full‑scale models, and a joint incubator which has 20 years of experience in supporting start-up projects, the school has two major tools for innovation and creation, working hand-in-hand with industry. Through a proactive approach of collaborative research between laboratories and industry, Centrale Nantes is developing initiatives for the creation of international chairs, of which there are 15 to date. For more information visit: www.ec-nantes.fr Medial Library: https://phototheque.ec-nantes.fr/ / @CentraleNantes
Since 2004, EOLFI is specialised in the development and production of power from renewable energy sources, both offshore and onshore, in France and abroad. In December 2019, EOLFI joined the Shell Group. With a team of over 80 employees based in Paris, Lorient, Marseilles, Montpellier and Nantes, we cover the entire renewable energy value chain, for the development of our projects, in onshore wind power, photovoltaic solar power, floating offshore and offshore R&D projects. Recognized as a pioneer in floating wind power, EOLFI is currently developing the Groix & Belle-Ile pilot farm in Brittany.
For more information visit: https://www.eolfi.com/en
Capsim is an independent study office in electrical engineering. Specialised in assistance to project management and work on electrical networks or energy systems, CAPSIM operates in a large number of activity sectors ranging from industry to transport, including defence , renewable energies and research. The major assets of CAPSIM include, on the one hand its control of tools and techniques for numerical simulation, and on the other hand its experience across the entire range of electrical engineering issues. The combination of these two abilities allows it to forecast, quantify and analyse the normal or incidental behaviour of electrical networks, electrical and other energy systems.
For more information visit: https://www.capsimulation.com/
Abyss CAD, founded in 2012, is a professional software publisher for marine industries. Our project was awarded in the contest of young innovative companies organized by the Community of the Pays d'Aix in 2012. Our goal is to become an essential enterprise in the field of software development related to human activities in the oceans (communication, energy, logistics, ...).
The specialization of our programs is their strongest point; we make a point of honor to understand the business of our clients and offer them customized and user-friendly software that meets their problems.
For more information visit: http://www.abysscad.com/index_en.html