SEM-REV : Centrale Nantes offshore test site operated by the OPEN-C Foundation
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"MEA & AFLOWT INNOVATION TOUR" on Marine Renewables attracted more than 100 participants at Centrale Nantes and SEM-REV
The "MEA & AFLOWT Innovation Tour" gathered more than 100 participants from all over Europe on June 29 and 30 around Marine Renewable Energies at Centrale Nantes. This event was organized by Centrale Nantes, SEM-REV and WEAMEC within the framework of the MEA and AFLOWT projects, both funded by Interreg North West Europe.
on July 20, 2022
Thanks to the Innovation Tour, participants were able to attend training sessions; in particular with FARWIND and Innosea presentations providing a basic knowledge on Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) and how these new technologies can contribute to the energy transition.A session dedicated to the AFLOWT project presented Hexafloat, the floating wind turbine floater developed by SAIPEM. SEAI, for its AMETS site in Ireland, and Centrale Nantes, with SEM-REV in France, also presented the challenges of developing offshore test sites.
On the second day, a technical visit enabled participants to visit Centrale Nantes' offshore test site, the SEM-REV, which notably hosts FLOATGEN, the first floating wind turbine in France, developed by BW Ideol. This trip to sea also brought the hundred people present near the Saint Nazaire offshore wind farm, currently being installed, and which will be the first commercial offshore wind farm.
Feedback from the attendees
Thank you very much for the opportunity to get in the world of blue-energy. Very motivating event.
The presentations were really informative, additionally gathering different actors of the wind farm community in Europe was insightful.
Great event and topics. Perfect organization. My personal highlight was to see a floating wind turbine in operation just from a distance of about 600m. Thanks a lot!
This event is organized by Centrale Nantes, SEM REV and WEAMEC as part of the MEA and AFLOWT projects, both financially supported by Interreg North-West Europe.
Published on July 20, 2022
Updated on October 19, 2023