Presentation of the Marine Data Toolbox ResourceCODE at EWTEC 2021

IFREMER and Centrale Nantes to present the ResourceCODE Marine Data Toolbox at the EWTEC 2021 Conference

on September 2, 2021

IFREMER, Centrale Nantes and the RESOURCECODE (OCEANERA-Net Cofund) project partners invite you to the end of project event on Monday 6 September, 17:00 - 18:30 (BST) to be held as a side event of the EWTEC 2021 conference. This will be an interactive demonstration of the open source toolbox & hindcast dataset for the marine energy industry.

  • To attend virtually register for free below:
  • To attend in person at University of Plymouth as part of the EWTEC conference email

More details on:

Published on September 2, 2021 Updated on September 2, 2021